Everyone Should Know How to Cure Chapped Lips Fast

Chapped lips (1) are one of the most common skin conditions, with 8% of all population suffering from chapped lips at any given time. 

This condition affects one in five women and six in ten men between the ages of 15 and 25.

If you are pondering about how to cure chapped lips fast then home remedies include using pressure on your lips to heal them, applying ointments, or using lip balm as a moisturizer

While these home remedies do help some people temporarily, they have their disadvantages as well as side effects.

To avoid dryness and chapped lips permanently, you must address the underlying cause of the condition. 

If you are suffering from chapped lips due to vitamin deficiency or an unknown cause, it is imperative that you seek medical advice immediately so that you can properly diagnose and treat this condition.

how to cure chapped lips fast

This article will provide some information on what causes chapped lips and what home remedies you can use to cure them quickly so you don't have to worry about this problem forever.

What are chapped lips?

Chapped lips are caused by a deficiency of the “chondroitin” (2) related family of nutrients.

These are an important group of vitamins that enable cartilage to repair itself and protect against bacterial infection.

These deficiency symptoms have been found in people who are undernourished or have received suboptimal nutrition.

We all know that chapped lips can be very annoying. This is especially true if you’re one of those unlucky folks who have them constantly because you don’t get enough sunlight or even vitamin D when your skin is exposed to UV rays (3).

Causes of chapped lips

Chapped lips can be caused by some factors, such as dry skin, allergies, or even trauma to the area.

The good news is that there are home remedies for chapped lips that will help you not only prevent them from occurring but also treat them once they’re already there.

These home remedies range from simple, inexpensive items like baking soda and lemon juice to more expensive items like professional lip balms, which are available in drugstores and online.

How to cure chapped lips fast

Dry lips are probably the most common problem that comes up in any social setting, from just walking to dancing. 

People that have dry lips or chapped lips know they're not going to be able to drink their favorite beverage; they have something like a tingling feeling in the tip of their lip where it meets the rest of their mouth.

The great thing about home remedies is that you can find a solution for anything and everything to fix chapped lips fast, remedies for chapped lips include,

1. Cold shower:

Lotion and a warm towel on your hands will help heal your lips, as well as open your pores so you can breathe better.

2. Eat fresh fruit:

Fruit contains enzymes and vitamins that work to heal your dry lips. Try an apple or banana each day.

3. Drink plenty of water:

Water helps keep your mouth moist so the healing process can happen faster.

4. Use lip balm:

If you want to make sure you aren’t leaving any empty space for bacteria and fungus, use non-sticky natural lip balm with SPF 30 protection.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on lip balms; if you get one that has SPF 30 protection, you won’t need to reapply often.

Some brands also contain vitamin E which will be helpful if you have dry skin by rubbing a bit on your hands before touching your lips again.

5. Don’t eat too much sugar (4):

Sugar is very drying because it doesn’t dissolve in water like fat does, making it hard for the body to absorb nutrition through the skin barrier (making it harder for the body to absorb nutrients).

Why are my lips always dry and peeling?

Lip problems are not a simple thing. The chapped lips causes vary from person to person. These can be hereditary or environmental factors, though in most cases it is the combination of both.

Chapped lips remedies are a few easy steps you can take to treat your lips and make them look more natural again.

So what are the problems with chapped lips? The reasons why they’re so common really depend on the individual. 

Some people may have dry skin and wind-burned lips, while others may just have a lack of moisture in their mouths which makes them feel as if their lips crack more often than normal.

Another issue is that there may be an imbalance in the number of hormones in our bodies, which can lead to dryness and peeling; this imbalance is usually caused by an illness or some other major stressor in our lives.

The main solution to dehydration dry lips is moisturizing properly, which will help prevent any further problems from occurring in the future. 

And remember, no matter how much you moisturize your lips; there will still always be peeling and dryness if you aren’t careful about what you put on your lips.

Regular home remedies for chapped lips

If your lips are chapped, cracked and you’re not sure what to do about it, here are a few chapped lips home remedies that may make a difference for you,

  • Drink warm water and lemon juice as much as possible.
  • Drink warm water and witch hazel to cleanse the mouth.
  • Drink warm water and honey to soothe the lips.
  • Swallow hot tea with lemon or honey to lubricate the skin on the lips.
  • Try applying lip balm with vitamin E oil each evening.

Vitamins Deficiency

Dry lips vitamin deficiency

If you have dry lips for long then it is a sign of vitamin deficiency (5). Vitamin deficiency and dry lips, dry hair, and dark circles around the eyes are the main reasons for dry skin. 

Try to include Orange, Guava, and Banana in your diet. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry it gently. This will help to moisten it. 

Use a moisturizing cream to avoid dryness. Use vitamin E oil to treat dryness. This oil is very good for nourishing your lips.

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry lips. Sometimes it is not the only reason for having dry lips. 

Vitamin A deficiency can be treated using vitamin supplements or by consuming foods that are rich in vitamin A. 

Sunscreen or applying lip balms that are rich in vitamin A can also help you to avoid dry lips. For example, fish oils, carrots, kale, soybeans, etc.

Dry lips can also be caused by the salt level of your diet. It happens when you eat too many salty things. That's why you should follow a well-balanced diet. So, the best way to get rid of it is to eat a well-balanced diet.

Best lip balm for chapped lips

There are a lot of lip balms that help in getting healthy lips back.

The best known is “Lac-Hydrin” from Galderma Laboratories.

It uses an active ingredient named hydroxynaphthoic acid which helps in getting rid of the dead skin cells and also helps in repairing chapped lips.


1. Why are my lips so dry all of a sudden?

Ans: A higher percent of salt in the tongue will mix up with the salivary gland to produce more saliva. This is usually normal when you "choke" to death. Dry lips mean less water in the mouth. It is caused by,

  • Dry air
  • Not enough water in the mouth
  • High salt diet
  • Not enough saliva

2. Is Vaseline good for chapped lips?

Ans: It is. Vaseline is considered the best way to soothe chapped lips. It's a good idea to apply Vaseline to your lips before going to sleep. 

This way, the Vaseline will stay on your lips for a long time and your lips will be soft in the morning. You can also mix some Vaseline with your regular lip balm for extra benefit.

3. Should I wet my lips before Vaseline?

Ans: Wetting your lips is pretty good advice because the product will be easily absorbed by your skin. 

Vaseline (6) is a pretty thick substance, so while it will help your lips moisturize, the application might not be that pleasant. 

So to make it a little more pleasant, wet your lips before putting on the Vaseline.

4. How long does it take for chapped lips to heal?

Ans: It takes 3-4 days to recover from a cold. A chapped lip can take 3-4 weeks if you're over 40 years old. 

If you are under 40, it would take less than a week. In the meantime, you can apply lip balm to keep it supple and help it heal faster.

Final Note

Your lips are the small places in your body that you can't help but notice. 

Here, learn more about how to cure chapped lips fast. Lips are the parts of your face that make you look like a child or a lady. 

They are where children rub their noses, or older people kiss. But they can also be the most important part of your face.

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