What is The Fastest Home Remedy for Sunburn

Sunburns can be painful and uncomfortable, and it's important to take steps to treat them as soon as possible to help reduce inflammation and prevent further damage to the skin.

What is The Fastest Home Remedy for Sunburn

How to treat sunburn fast

Here are a few fast home remedies for sunburn,

1. Cold compresses: 

Applying a cold compress to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and soothe the burn. You can use a clean cloth or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel.

2. Aloe vera:

Aloe vera is a natural plant extract that has soothing and healing properties. Applying aloe vera gel or juice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

3. Over-the-counter pain medication:

Taking over-the-counter pain medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, (1) can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with sunburn.

4. Hydrating lotion:

Applying a hydrating lotion to the affected area can help moisturize the skin and promote healing. Look for lotions that contain aloe vera or other moisturizing ingredients.

5. Cool bath:

Taking a cool bath or shower can help soothe the burn and reduce inflammation. Avoid hot water, as this can further irritate the skin.

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What gel is good for sunburn?

There are many gels that can be effective for treating sunburn. Consider these few choices below,

1. Aloe vera gel:

Aloe vera gel can be applied to the injured region to relieve reduced swelling and boost healing power.

2. Hydrocortisone cream:

Hydrocortisone cream is a type of topical steroid that can help reduce inflammation and itching associated with sunburn. It is available over the counter in low concentrations (1% or less).

3. Calamine lotion:

Calamine lotion is a topical medication that contains zinc oxide and is often used to treat skin irritation and itching. It can be effective in relieving the symptoms of sunburn. (2)

4. Moisturizing gel:

Applying a moisturizing gel to the affected area can help moisturize the skin and promote healing. Look for gels that contain aloe vera or other moisturizing ingredients.

Final Note

It is important to note that some remedies may not be suitable for all types of sunburns. If your sunburn is severe or you experience blistering, fever, or other symptoms, you should consult a skin care specialist for further treatment.


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