My Thoughts on Get Rid Of Dry Lips in Girls

The winter season calls for special care for your chapped dry lips which is why it is important to know the ideal ways to perform the same. Just like you plan on taking care of your skin or hair, the lips are an important part of your human body as well.

If you suffer from dried-up lips, (1) it can particularly become very uncomfortable because the skin will crack and may even bleed too. Therefore, if you want to avoid such consequences, you need to ensure that you follow the correct routine for your lip care treatment. 

My Thoughts on Get Rid Of Dry Lips in Girls

Why are my lips always dry and peeling?

In case you are wondering about dry lips reason, then the following pointers should be able to help you,

  • Due to dry & cold weather
  • Due to extreme exposure to sunlight
  • Due to experiencing too much wind exposure

The hidden cause of dry lips

  • Licking the lips during a dry & cold season
  • The saliva makes the lips drier and chapped
  • Performing drinking or smoking

Amazing Beauty Tips for Dry Lips

The following are some of the significant beauty tips & tricks for dry lips,

1. Use Petroleum Jelly:

Petroleum jelly is one of the most de-facto cosmetic items that you can obtain for fixing your dry lips. The jelly provides a protective coating on the lips which not only moisturizes them but protects them from exposure to external weather agents.

2. Using Vanilla Extracts:

You can easily use vanilla extracts to create a perfect mixture that will solve your problem of dry lips. It can be created by using sugar, olive oil, vanilla extracts, and baking soda. The mixture can be applied directly on your skin and you can even store it away for future use for up to seven days.

3. Vitamin E Medication:

Vitamin E is extremely helpful in keeping your lips and skin glowing. Therefore, if you want to get rid of chapped or dry lips, then you can opt for Vitamin E tablets (2) that you can find at your nearest pharmacy store. The price of these tablets can seem a bit high but the investment is worth it.

4. Yes, Aloe Vera:

If you’re looking for a natural solution that is readily available and is also quite affordable then, using aloe Vera extracts on your skin is the way to go. It’s suggested that you use aloe Vera twice per day to be able to reap its entire benefits.

Read: Everyone should know how to cure chapped lips fast

5. Use Mustard Oil before Bath:

Before you plan to take your shower, it is advised to take some mustard oil and massage the same on your lips. This will remove the dryness of your lips and will make them smooth. It's suggested that you act daily.

6. Try Cucumber:

Since cucumber provides a cooling effect when consumed, you can also use it on your skin and lips. You can quickly thin-slice a cucumber and then place it on your lips for some time, which will help in rejuvenating your lips and will also act as a hydrating agent.

7. Carrots, Pomegranates & Beetroots:

If you want to solve your issue of dry lips, you need to eat good quality food as well. Consuming beetroots, carrots, and pomegranates will give your body a much-needed boost of vitamins & minerals. Such a boost will not only remove the dryness of your lips but also make them look redder.

Final Note

Dry lips should be taken seriously because it affects the look on your face and also your everyday life. Ensure that you perform the above-mentioned suggestions to be able to take care of your lips in the correct manner. 

Moreover, drink lots of water and always carry a lip balm with you at all times, so that you can keep your lips moisturized and thereby prevent them from drying up. 

 Read: Which is the best dry fruit for skin?


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