Why Home Food Is More Important Than Roadside Food

Having healthy eating habits is very crucial in ensuring that you stay energetic and lively for years to come.

There is no doubting that food plays a big role in our day to day life because it not only provides our body with the essential nutrients but also makes us feel great.

Why Home Food Is More Important Than Roadside Food

Eating at home cooked food than roadside food

We are taking a look at some of the primary reasons why home food is more important than roadside food,

1. Avoids diseases:

When you decide to cook home food, you can always ensure that your kitchen is germ-less & clean before doing so.

As a result, you can avoid the entry of disease-causing bacteria (1) and viruses inside your human body.

However, the same cannot be said for roadside food.

2. No food poisoning:

There's always the chance of experiencing food poisoning when you consume roadside food.

But, consuming homemade food helps you avoid such an issue and there are very few chances of experiencing food poisoning.

3. Common food allergies:

There will be certain food products that your body will be allergic to. For instance, some people tend to be allergic to nuts while others are lactose intolerant.

With homemade food, you can easily avoid allergic foods, which cannot be said the same as roadside foods.

4. Ingredients list:

Homemade food recipes are always created with the freshest of ingredients that give your body the correct supply of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (along with vitamins & minerals).

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1. What social change is affected by unhealthy street food?

Ans: Eating unhealthy food from the street will cause your body to get sick, which will affect your capability to interact and communicate properly with the people around you.

Thus, human interactions as a part of social change will be affected.

2. What are the other disadvantages of street food that does not involve health?

Ans: The other disadvantages of eating Indian street food, other than health care,

Eating street food lowers your social stance among your peers, showcasing that you like to spend on lower quality items.

Since street food vendors clog streets & footpaths with their shops, traffic issues become prominent in various areas.

Street food vendors promote the production of wastes.

3. Is custard junk food?

Ans: No. Custard can’t be classified as one of the many junk food snacks. This is because it contains milk as its key ingredient. Milk contains calcium, (2) which is highly necessary for bone health. However, custard also contains fats & carbohydrates, which can sometimes be unnecessary for our human body.

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4. Is eating in a public place bad?

Ans: Not necessarily,

If the public place is open, such as on the side of the street, then it’s bad & unhealthy.

However, if you’re eating food in a closed public place such as restaurants or hotels, then it’s fine.

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Final Note

We hope you now understand the importance of having healthy eating habits such as consuming homemade food rather than street food.

With homemade food, you can control the freshness, cleanness as well as healthiness of the meal.

Therefore, it's a no-brainer to adopt the habit of eating home-cooked meals.

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