Do Not Share This Benefits Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Insider Secret

The benefits of fenugreek seeds for hair are often more common in households than the benefits for health. Fenugreek seeds are commonly used in hair masks and oils for good and strong hair growth. Women vouch for these little grains (1) to do wonders in their hair.

Stress due to a hectic lifestyle, heat, pollution, and artificial solid hair products have given us serious hair woes. But if you want to be a modern-day Rapunzel, the magic lies right inside your kitchen.

Do Not Share This Benefits Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Insider Secret

Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Benefits

Fenugreek seeds contain vitamins A, C, and K along with folic acid which helps in the healthy growth and maintenance of hair. Let’s take a look at fenugreek seeds for hair loss benefits,

1. NO Hair Loss:

These nutrient-packed little babies help to stop hair loss due to thinning and breakage. They add volume and make individual strands stronger with regular and frequent use. Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and then blend them in some castor oil. This pack is useful to avoid hair loss and thinning. Using fenugreek seeds for hair loss is a proven remedy since olden times.

2. Adds luster to the hair:

Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and the following morning spray that water on the hair 30 minutes before showering. The vitamins in the seeds are absorbed in what you can rightly call 'holy water'. It adds a wonderful shine and luster to your hair post-hair wash.

3. Controls frizz:

Fenugreek seeds help to make the hair soft. Frizz is often the result of humidity and heat which leaves the hair feeling brittle and prone to breakage. Fenugreek seeds soaked in water are mixed with yogurt to apply on the scalp (2) and then washed off. This helps to calm down the frizz and gives a soft and smooth finish to hair.

4. Dandruff control:

A paste of soaked fenugreek seeds with lemon juice applied on the scalp helps to clear up dandruff. It acts as an exfoliator and makes the scalp squeaky clean in just one use.

5. Hair Growth:

Washing overnight oiled hair with fenugreek seed water helps to increase the length significantly over time. Many women use this home remedy of fenugreek seeds for hair loss to grow longer and stronger hair in a short time.

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5. Silky hair:

Beauticians recommend fenugreek seeds for hair to become silky. Put fenugreek seeds overnight and blend them with curry leaves and yogurt. Applying this hair mask thrice a week leaves the hair feeling silky and soft. You won't resist touching it. Fenugreek (2) gives an oily texture when blended and this texture is passed on to the hair giving it a satin-smooth feel.

6. Removes sweaty odor from hair:

The water of soaked fenugreek seeds can be mixed with apple cider vinegar and applied on the scalp and all over the length of the hair. This helps to eliminate the foul sweaty smell from hair after a long and humid day.

7. Restores ‘ph’ level of hair:

The use of fenugreek seeds for hair is well-researched. It has nutrients that help to maintain the ph level of the hair which is often left unbalanced due to heat and pollution along with hair care products having strong chemicals in them. This home remedy is natural and restores the original ph balance of hair in a few washes.

8. Avoids Dryness:

Fenugreek seeds give natural moisture to the hair which avoids dryness. Dry hairs are brittle and often break easily. Adding moisture helps to maintain the strength of hair and avoids breakage.

Final Note

Little seeds of magic are what we can rightly call them. The benefits of fenugreek seeds for hair are so powerful that you might never have to use another remedy to get them the healthy and strong hair that you have always wished for.


Read: Night hair care routine


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