Understanding the Nutritional Benefits of Rajma During Pregnancy

Eating rajma during pregnancy is very nutritious for the mother as well as for the tiny fetus growing inside the mother's womb. The best way to make you feel active and energetic during pregnancy is (to have good quality food and the right type of food).

Scientific name: Phaseolus vulgaris

Are you still not aware of the top benefits of eating rajma? Then go ahead and find some interesting facts and the benefits of consuming rajma.

Understanding the Nutritional Benefits of Rajma During Pregnancy

Nutritional Value (One Bowl)

The benefits of eating rajma during pregnancy are gained through their beneficiary nutritional sources. The protein-rich legumes also have other important fiber, fat, and carbohydrates, magnesium, vitamin C content in a well-proportioned manner.

  • Protein per serving is around 9.5 grams.
  • Fiber: 28 grams
  • Fat: 9.1grams
  • Vitamin C: 4.5 mg
  • Magnesium: 140 mg  

Rajma during Pregnancy

1. Energy Provider:

Rajma in pregnancy is an essential food. During pregnancy, you are in a state of tiredness due to steady baby growth taking place inside the womb. In order to cope with the dual growth, it is important to consume energy-rich food.

2. Avoids Gestational DIABETICS:

It is crucial to consume energy-boosting food that does not increase the blood sugar level during pregnancy. Fiber and protein-enriched food like rajma provide a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream during pregnancy to avoid gestational diabetes. 

3. IRON:

Iron during pregnancy is required to avoid hemoglobin levels going down. Less hemoglobin in the blood may require a blood transfusion before delivering the baby. Have rajma requiring an increase in the hemoglobin count.

4. Keeps Cholesterol level in control:

Cholesterol is another factor to keep in control during pregnancy. Since the body weight increases during the baby's growth phase and the chances of low-density cholesterol levels going high as well. Consume rajma weekly and reduce the risk.

5. Eliminates NAUSEA:

Nausea and pregnancy are two threads permanently attached. To make you feel less nauseated and avoid those horrible morning sicknesses, rajma is the best way. The bile system is cleaned and you don't feel nausea.

6. Rich Antioxidants:

Rajma has those important antioxidants to provide goodness for the mother and the baby. The antioxidants clear the body of toxins and give a glow to the mother and healthy skin production for the baby.

Read: Health Benefits of Ghee During Pregnancy

How to eat Rajma in PREGNANCY?

Rajma in pregnancy can be prepared in many ways like rajma masala, cooked rajma and added along with salads, or making tortillas and having them with rajma. But the best thing for pregnant ladies is (consuming freshly soaked rajma in a well-cooked way, with less oil seasoning, and eating it). This way acidity and bloating of the stomach can be avoided.

Some of the interesting ways to eat rajma during pregnancy are,

  • Rajma and rice
  • Rajma along with salad
  • Rajma with mustard tempering

Things to remember for consuming Rajma during pregnancy

Having one serving on a weekly twice basis around 35 grams per serving.  Anything overdoing is not good for anyone the same goes for pregnant women as well.

The high consumption of rajma may indulge to the casing, constipation, and gas formation due to the rich protein content.

Canned rajma should be avoided.

Purines in Rajma may cause kidney stones due to high rajma consumption.

Final Note

Rajma during pregnancy keeps all the essential vitamins, minerals, and iron levels at the required level. Eating fresh food is important for pregnant women to avoid any infection, nausea, or vomiting.

The high protein and fiber content gives all the essential nutrients for the baby. Choose the right food and provide all the nutrients for the baby. 

Read: List of Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy

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