Benefits of Eating Hing during Pregnancy

Hing (Asafoetida) can be defined as a type of food spice that can be used for multiple numbers of purposes. You can use hing for any digestion disorders or even use hing during pregnancy. 

Hing can also relieve people who are suffering from cases such as bloating, gas, and acidity while also improving the health of the stomach.

Benefits of Eating Hing during Pregnancy

It has been reported that in-taking hing will also keep respiratory disorders at bay and is recommended to eat, especially during the winter season.

Nutritional benefits of Hing per 100 GM

You must remember that hing is said to have a high amount of carbohydrate content.

100 grams of hing will contain 67 percent carbs along with 4 percent of fiber and 1 percent of fat content.

100 grams of hing in pregnancy will release about 295 grams of calories.

Hing also contains 17 percent of oils along with 65 percent of resin and 18 percent of gum.

Hing during Pregnancy

Don’t you know the benefits of hing during pregnancy? Find below,

1. Cures Stomach Issues:

As it has been mentioned earlier, eating hing in pregnancy will help in treating various kinds of stomach disorders. 

This is because hing has anti-inflammatory properties, which will ensure that all your stomach issues such as acidity, aches, and burns will be solved. Hing can also treat stomach infections and worms.


  • If you can add hing to your daily diet, then you can expect zero food poisoning and irritable bowel syndrome. 
  • Apart from adding hing to your daily diet, you can also add hing to a glass of warm water and drink it after your meals.

2. Maintains the Menstrual System:

If you are a woman who is suffering from any menstrual issues, then adding hing to your diet will provide you relief. Hing can solve issues such as irregular periods, overflow during periods, menstrual pain, and so on. 

Hing also assists the human body in normalizing the secretion of progesterone, while also regulating blood flow.

3. Mild Headache Treatment:

In-taking hing goli in pregnancy will prevent any onset of headaches, which are generally caused by blockages in the human body's blood vessels. It’s suggested that if you’re facing mild headaches, you need to intake hing goli at least three to four times a day. 

The presence of coumarins in hing will help in thinning blood vessels, leading to the prevention of heart attacks. As a result, good cholesterol levels are maintained in your body.

Read: Best Healthy Recommended Foods During Pregnancy

4. Anti-aging drug:

Eating hing during pregnancy will help in removing wrinkles present on your face. It can be utilized as a skin-whitening agent as well. Hing can also remove black spots under your eyes. Furthermore, if you have oily skin, then hing can do wonders to make sure that you look beautiful, even during pregnancy. 

This is due to hing hampers the production of tyrosine, which itself assists in the production of melanin in the human body. Since melanin is not produced much, your skin will not look dull at all.

5. Makes your HAIR look Beautiful:

Hing during pregnancy, you can make hair look beautiful and shiny. Moreover, it assists in better hair growth. You can expect the texture of your hair to be improved over time and dandruff will be controlled. 

As a result, you can easily maintain your scalp over time because using hing will restore the PH value of your scalp, keeping it oil-free.

hing in pregnancy

6. Protects the BRAIN:

If you want your fetus to grow nutritiously while also having good brain health, then taking hing will ensure that there will be no nerve damage or memory loss. 

Moreover, hing will also sure that the nerve cells in your brain stay healthy because just like the fetus, the mother also requires internal care for better genetic development.

7. Source of Antioxidants:

Hingis is a good source of antioxidants that will not only protect your body from unstable free radicals but also the body of your fetus. Anti-oxidants such as flavonoids and tannins are found in hing, which are greatly known for their blood-cleaning properties. 

Moreover, anti-oxidants can also work against the onset of cancer and chronic inflammation. This is why taking hing is good for pregnancy.

8. Experts Say:

It should be perceived that too much intake of hing during pregnancy can produce side effects such as lower blood pressure, anxiety, and diarrhea. Such is the reason why the intake should be kept at a normal amount, without going overboard.

Final Note

Since hing is a spice that is obtained from the herb known as Ferula, you can find hing in both powdered as well as tablet form. This spice is not only used in Indian recipes but also in various Persian cuisines, which is one of the major reasons why eating hing during pregnancy is beneficial. 

Hing is also known by its alternate name, known as 'devil's dung', and contains minerals such as iron, phosphorus, and calcium, which make the human body stronger & effective.

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