What Research Says About Onion Benefits

Today we are going to discuss eating raw onion benefits. Onion is the best source of calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and quercetin type of antioxidants. 

BBC announced the ‘Sulfur’ (Organic Compound) level is high in raw onions, and this is the reason onions benefits are impressive for our health. 

What Research Says About Onion Benefits

Scientific name: Allium Cepa

Rank: Species

Onion Benefits

Let’s see the magical benefits of eating raw onion,

1. Onion for Heart:

Raw onion helps to decrease the production of ‘LDL’ (Bad Cholesterol) in our body. This one is the essential onion benefits for our heart life, and we get it from the onion. Our heart health will be long-term if we intake raw onion regularly. 

2. Onion for Immune System:

When you eat raw onion, it has loaded with ‘Vitamin C’ with other ‘phytonutrients’ and stays impacted.  Because of this plus point, our immune power is always balanced.  This type of vitamin is naturally a direct benefit for our health.

3. Avoid Cancer:

‘Quercetin’ antioxidant is present in onion, and this antioxidant helps to prevent cancers like stomach cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, and more type of cancer categories. Research says, 'Onion gives a good advantage to prevent cancer problems.

4. Diabetic relief:

Onion is the root type of vegetable so, it has chromium. Chromium leads to maintaining a level of blood sugar that is beneficial for diabetic patients. These are the real health benefits of onion that works naturally.

5. Solve Fever Problem:  

If you are facing a fever or minor cold and allergy type of some troubles then, add one spoon of honey in onion juice and take it. This easy remedy is helpful because onion has anti-bacterial properties too. Try this tip to get rid of such un-invited health problems.

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6. Onion in summer:

In the summer season, more peoples suffer the nose bleeding issue so; the onion will be the choice to get rid of.  Onion works as an inhaler, put onion near your bleeding nose area then inhale. Bleeding will stop, and you will get better relief surely.  

7. Control Depression:

Folic acid (folate) is present in onion, and this helps to solve the problem of depression. If you are taking onion on a regular basis then, you will notice; your stress level has reduced and uplifted your mood.  Onion relaxes our mind so; we get a good sleep and feel hungry too.

8. Onion for Skin and Hair:

Onion is good for the skin; it stimulates collagen formation in the skin. Onion gives good health to our skin and even hair too. It removes the dark spots from the skin and can solve aging issues. If you have a hair fall then take an onion juice, massage juice in a hair root then, wash it after 30 minutes, and you will see great results in two weeks.

9. Sex Health:

Men can get good benefits from onion because more men are facing a nervous issues in sexual health. If you need sex power and stamina then, start to eat raw onion in your diet. Regular onion intake shows positive effects on results in men’s sperm count too.

10. Improve Digestion:

Digestion feels weak in the summer season, and onion will be our solution, onion helps to get rid of stomach heat and gives positive effects on digestion improvement. Onion benefits save you from acidity problems in summer.

11. For Arthritis Pain:

Because of the anti-inflammatory properties present in onion, it helps to solve arthritis pain issues in adults. If adults are weak in bone movement then try to eat raw onion daily basis. Consult a doctor if you have any allergy to eating raw onion. 

12. Helpful in Dental:

Raw onion, if we have daily intake then, we get natural dental health benefits. Our teeth and gums get a strong grip, and even, onions put bacterial infections away from our mouths.

Final Note 

There are several onion benefits that are researched already. We have time, and we can try to use the time for our health, and even, we can follow a natural diet.

Onion is the best source for our essential needs of vitamins, minerals, and more. So, let's begin to intake onion daily in our lunch and dinner.  


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