Why Should We Not Eat Sour During Pregnancy

There is no denying that due to various early pregnancy responses such as vomiting, nausea, and low appetite, women like to eat acidic or sour during pregnancy. However, eating sour during pregnancy is not recommended at all and should be controlled in every manner.

Read more the major reasons why pregnant women should avoid eating sour during pregnancy. So, without delay, let’s get started.

Why Should We Not Eat Sour During Pregnancy

Why should we not eat sour during pregnancy?

It has been proved via multiple types of research that if a pregnant women intake too much sour food during pregnancy, then it can directly affect the embryonic cell's proliferation as well as the fetus' regular growth, negatively.

Worst-case scenario, sometimes genetic mutation of the cells may also occur. All of these happenings can directly lead to abnormality in the fetus.

That's why doctors suggest women avoid eating sour foods during pregnancy so that their fetus can grow in the ideal manner possible.

Read: Common Pregnancy Complications and How to Manage Them

Foods to eat during pregnancy

In case the pregnant women want to eat sour food, then it is highly suggested that the women eat some kind of sour vegetable or fruit such as grape, tomato, mangoes strawberry, or orange. All of these are vegetables and fruits, making them truly harmless.

That’s not all though because they also tend to be nutritious towards the fetus and the pregnant woman.

Apart from the above-mentioned examples, women can also eat the following food items during the pregnancy stages,

  • All kinds of dairy products            
  • Legumes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Salmon
  • Eggs (properly boiled or cooked)
  • Leafy, green vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Lean meat
  • Berries
  • Avocados
  • Whole grains
  • Dried fruit
  • Fish oil
  • Lots of water

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

When it comes to foods to avoid in pregnancy, the following set of dishes or items should not be eaten at any cost:

  • Pates
  • Partially or raw cooked eggs
  • Undercooked or raw meat
  • Animal liver products
  • Vitamin A healthy supplements
  • Some fishes such as marlin, broadbill, shark, and swordfish
  • Pre-packed salads
  • Raw shellfish
  • Bean sprouts or rockmelon
  • Sushi
  • Salami and pepperoni
  • Alcohol
  • Unpasteurized milk
  • Caffeine
  • Energy drinks
  • Peanuts

Does pooping twice a day during pregnancy mean my food is not digested?

No, nothing like this happens during pregnancy, if your diet is unbalanced and you go to the toilet more than twice, then you should consult your doctor once.

Is there any chance to get pregnant after eating gooseberry?

If you want to conceive, then gooseberry maintains your blood pressure. Being rich in water, you get relief in water retention. If your body is healthy then gooseberry will benefit you too.

Final Note

It can be effortlessly understood that eating sour during pregnancy should be avoided to ensure that your fetus grows well.

Instead, proceed to eat some of the other nutritious foods that we have mentioned above.

Your fetus needs all those nutrients to be healthy and beautiful.

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