Top Foods That Cause Constipation Under These Conditions

Almost every human out there experiences constipation from time to time. One of the easiest ways to prevent constipation would be to change your diet occasionally.

It should be known that eating fiber is one of the major ways to relieve constipation.

But, that’s not all though because we are also going to state the various foods that cause constipation so that you can avoid them and keep your body in a good state.


It’s been recommended by experts that women should eat at least 25 grams of fiber every day and men should eat at least 38 grams of fiber daily.

Some of the top fiber-laden foods are legumes, vegetables, and whole grains.

With that out of the way, let's jump onto the list of foods that you should be avoiding for constipation.

What do you mean by constipation?

When it comes to constipation meaning, it should be known that it’s a common issue in human beings where people find it very difficult to have proper bowel movements.

Thus, when a person suffers from constipation, the number of bowel movements reduces. Normal constipation leads to three bowel movements per week, while severe constipation leads to one or less than one bowel movement per week.

Some of the symptoms of constipation are,

  • Pain when passing bowel movements
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Loss of appetite

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Foods that cause constipation

1. Persimmons:

In case you are wondering what foods cause constipation, then persimmons are one of them. It's a popular fruit that you can find in Eastern Asia.

There are many varieties of this fruit that you can find in the market nowadays either astringent or sweet.

Astringent persimmons contain a heavy amount of tannin which can reduce the overall gut contractions & secretions, leading to slower bowel movements.

2. Fast or fried foods:

If you are accustomed to eating lots of fast or fried foods, then it can lead to an increase in the risk of constipation.

This is because such foods are high in terms of fat and low in terms of fiber, leading to slow digestion in your stomach (almost like red meat).

3. Red meat:

Even though most people are unaware, red meat is one of the many foods causing constipation in humans.

This is because it contains very little amount of fiber and eating red meat will also reduce your overall daily fiber intake.

Furthermore, compared to other forms of meat, red meat contains more fat.

4. Dairy products (including milk):

Dairy is another common form of constipation for some people who are lactose intolerant. Milk can even lead to constipation in children.

Sometimes, severe constipation in lactose-intolerant people can also lead to diarrhea.

Thus, if your body cannot digest dairy products properly, then it's better to avoid the same.

5. Processed grains:

Processed grains along with their products such as white rice, white bread, and white pasta, should be avoided at all costs because they lead to constipation.

They are low in terms of fiber content and therefore should be substituted with whole grains instead.

6. Foods that contain gluten:

You can find gluten in foods such as barley, wheat, rye, Kamut, and triticale.

Such foods are one of the main constipation causes, especially for people who are gluten intolerant. The condition of being gluten intolerant is known as celiac disease.

7. Alcohol:

One of the common causes of constipation in humans is alcohol intake.

Drinking alcohol in large amounts can lead to dehydration and poor hydration can lead to constipation.

You can even experience diarrhea if you intake alcohol in large amounts. Thus, it's recommended to curb your alcohol intake before the situation gets worse.

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8. Frozen meals:

Frozen meals are one of the many foods to avoid constipation.

This is because frozen foods come in processed bags and are often stripped of essential nutrients (including fiber).

Thus, your body will be unable to maintain proper bowel movements, leading to constipation.

9. Cookies, chocolate & cakes:

If you have a sweet tooth, then sweets and desserts are some of the many foods to avoid when constipated.

This is because sweets and desserts can affect your body’s ability to digest food properly. They’re high in fat & carbs, while low in fiber.

Top Foods That Cause Constipation Under These Conditions


1. Does milk cause constipation?

Ans: Yes. Milk is one of the dairy products that can lead to constipation.

Thus, if you are lactose intolerant, you should not drink milk as it is a constipating food.

2. Do eggs cause constipation?

Ans: No. Although some people believe that eggs can lead to constipation, there aren't many scientific studies to back the claim.

3. Do bananas cause constipation?

Ans: No. There is no substantial evidence that bananas cause painful constipation in humans. However, some people believe that eating unripe bananas can lead to constipation.

4. How long will constipation relieve me after eating beans?

Ans: When you are suffering from constipation, then eating beans will relieve your situation within just three to four days.

5. Can watery poop give my baby constipation?

Ans: In case your baby has severe diarrhea or has more than ten watery poops per day, then it's recommended to call your doctor right away.

6. I drank baking soda with lemon and l got serious constipation why?

Ans: When baking soda mixes with stomach acid, gas is produced. And if the gas couldn't escape, then it can lead to constipation. Thus, you must consult a doctor before taking baking soda with lemon, otherwise, it may lead to constipation and you will be unable to sleep.

7. How long does constipation last?

Ans: The usual time between bowel movements can vary from person to person. Generally, constipation should last around four days and will subside on its own when you take constipation treatment or laxatives.

Final Note

There’s no denying that constipation can prove to be an unpleasant condition, but with our above-mentioned list of foods that cause constipation, you now know which foods you should be avoiding, at all costs.

Rest assured, try to drink as much water as you can and perform exercise every day to keep your body fit & brain sharp.

Read: Foods to  avoid with acid reflux

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