Tomato Benefits: Exploring Nutritional Advantages of Juicy Superfood

Technically, a tomato is a fruit, even though we always think of it as a vegetable. Why? Because it is seed-bearing, also develops from the flowering plant’s ovary. 

But, when talking about tomato benefits and nutrition, tomatoes are always categorized with cucumbers to be vegetables. This is mainly due to their low sugar and carb content, as they carry 22 calories of sugar and 5 grams of carbohydrates in a single tomato.

Tomato Benefits

Tomato Benefits

With that being said, we are sharing the top health benefits of tomatoes that you need to know about.

1. Good for the Hair and Skin:

Due to the rise in the overall levels of pollution, our hair and skin will end up getting exposed to a lot of harmful contaminants in the air and environment. By incorporating tomatoes in your diet, you’ll be able to nourish your skin and hair, so that they can withstand environmental wear and tear. Tomatoes have lycopene that will refresh and clean your skin, while Vitamin A will nourish your hair.

2. Anti-Carcinogenic:

Since tomatoes come with lycopene, it has been researched and found that such an ingredient can reduce the overall growth of cancer cells. Some of these include stomach, prostate, and colorectal cancer. Therefore, eating tomatoes can help to reduce the spread and growth of cancer.

3. Great for Bones:

Tomatoes contain ‘Calcium’ and ‘Vitamin K’, which are important ingredients in keeping your bones strong over time. It has been reported by the United States Department of Agriculture that a hundred grams of tomatoes will contain roughly 110 mg of ‘Calcium’. This is one more health benefit of tomatoes.

Read: Brown Rice Benefits - Nutritious Powerhouse for Your Health

4. Protect Your Heart:

Tomatoes contain ‘lycopene’, which acts as an antioxidant and is responsible for the red color of tomatoes as well. It has been researched and found that when it comes to benefiting your heart, it's much more effective to eat tomatoes every day than taking lycopene supplements.

Some other studies have shown that higher blood levels of lycopene are tied to lower death rates. As a result, you’ll be able to enjoy a life without heart strokes, diabetes, and heart diseases.

5. Improves Your Vision:

Talking about the health benefits of tomato, the main ingredient i.e. Lycopene is also good for your eyes. That’s not all though because tomatoes also come with nutrients such as beta-carotene and lutein. These nutrients also support good vision and protect your eyes from any macular degeneration or cataracts.

health benefits of tomatoes

6. Boosts Your Digestive Health:

The ‘fiber’ and fluid that is present in tomatoes will be helpful if you are highly prone to constipation. One large tomato can produce up to six ounces of fluid and 1.5 grams of fiber, which will be highly nutritious for your health.

7. Deals with Diabetes:

Tomatoes are highly useful for those who are suffering from ‘Type 2 Diabetes’. This is because eating tomatoes reduce the overall creation of lipid peroxidation - a process where free radicals attack the fat cells in the heart which leads to the increased risks of heart diseases.

Having such protection is very important because diabetes can intravenously increase the overall chances of heart attacks and strokes. It is recommended that diabetic people should be eating one tomato every day.

Harmony House Tomato Powder

A flexible and useful product manufactured from dried tomatoes is Harmony House Tomato Powder. It is a versatile, shelf-stable ingredient that provides meals like soups, sauces, stews, and a deep tomato flavor. You may enjoy the taste of tomatoes all year long with Harmony House Tomato Powder.

Wild Wonders Tomatoes Calories

The tasty Wild Wonders tomato type can be identified by its unique flavor and colorful appearance. One Wild Wonders tomato normally has 25 calories, which is around average. Please take note that the exact calorie value may vary significantly depending on the size and tomato variety.

Final Note

Tomato benefits, you can incorporate tomatoes into your everyday diet easily either as fresh, dried, or as a paste. This will help you to enjoy tomatoes all year round. You can add tomatoes to your salads dress them with veggies, or eat them with broiled fish - there are a lot of different options to choose from when enjoying the health benefits of tomatoes. 

Read: Remarkable Celery Juice Benefits: Discover the Power of this Green Elixir

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