Types of Asthma: Understanding and Managing Different Variants

You will find a wide range of types of asthma. ‘Bronchial asthma’ is the widely recognized type in asthma; this influences the bronchi (in lungs).

Extra types of asthma incorporate childhood asthma as well as adult-onset asthma. Until the age rate of 20, adult-onset asthma doesn't show up.

Types of Asthma

Types of Asthma

Other explicit types of asthma are portrayed below,

Extrinsic Asthma (Allergic Asthma)

This is a mostly known seasonal type of asthma. It includes,

  • Foods
  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Pet dander allergy (from dogs or cats)

Unfavorable allergic asthma is frequently occasional because it regularly goes connected at the hip with occasional sensitivities.

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Intrinsic Asthma (Non-allergic Asthma)

Irritants noticeable all around not identified with sensitivities trigger this kind of asthma. Find below,

  • Viral illness
  • Perfume
  • Cleaning products (household)
  • Air pollution
  • Cold air
  • Air freshener
  • Smoke of cigarette
  • Burning woods

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Occupational Asthma

This type of asthma trigger is actuated by the condition of the work environment. Have a look,

  • Fumes and Gases
  • Manufacturing
  • Textiles
  • Farming
  • Wood-working
  • Dyes
  • Dust
  • Industrial chemicals
  • Rubber latex
  • Animal protein

You should discuss with your doctor about occupational asthma treatment.

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EIB (exercise-induced bronchoconstriction)

The person who starts the exercise gets affected by EIB within certain minutes and even till 15 minutes later of the physical activity.

This type of condition was recently said as EIA (exercise-induced asthma).

Those 90% peoples who are suffering asthma, they also get the experience of EIB. The person who is already facing EIB, won't experience different types of asthma.

AIA (Aspirin Induced Asthma)

AIA, this type of asthma is also known by another name which is an AERD (aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease)

This is triggered because of consuming aspirin or NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) like ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve).

It shows the symptoms within an hour or in a few minutes.

If we calculate the worldwide report then 9 to 10 percent of people who are facing asthma mostly have this AIA. The age range of adults is 20 to 50.

Nocturnal Asthma

Peoples face this type of asthma during nighttime, this goes worse triggers.

Asthma symptoms are below,

  • Dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Heartburn

The natural body cycle of sleep also shows the issue of nocturnal asthma.

CVA (Cough Variant Asthma)

This occurs as a dry cough, symptoms you will find are breath shortness or wheezing.

On the off chance that it is not resolved or treated, CVA can prompt all-out asthma flares that incorporate normal symptoms.

Final Note

Medical field experts have ranked these major types of asthma which range from mild to severe. 

Sometimes symptoms of asthma arise during childhood and after a few years it fades away but on another side, it goes temporarily, and again it comes back later few more years. 

Try to analyze your condition with the help of these types.

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