Home Remedies for Bedwetting: Natural Approaches to Help Manage Nocturnal Enuresis

Bedwetting can be a common thing, especially for kids. It is called "nocturnal enuresis," but do not let the fancy name scare you. If you or someone you know is dealing with this, you are not alone.

There are some simple things you can do at home to help stop bedwetting and sleep through the night without any worries.

Let's have a look into home remedies for bedwetting that might just do the trick.

Home Remedies for Bedwetting

Home Remedies for Bedwetting

1. Limit Drinks before Bed

Try to avoid big sips of liquids close to bedtime. This can help reduce the urge to pee during the night.

2. Potty Breaks before Sleep

Make sure to visit the bathroom right before going to bed. Emptying your bladder can help prevent nighttime accidents.

3. Nightlights

A gentle nightlight can make it easier to find the way to the bathroom in the dark, reducing the chances of an accident.

4. Waterproof Mattress Covers

These handy covers protect your bed from any unexpected leaks, making cleanup a breeze.

5. Bladder Training

Encourage regular bathroom breaks during the day to help your body get used to holding in urine for longer periods.

6. Wake-Up Alarm

Set an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Over time, this can help train your body to stay dry.

7. Positive Reinforcement

Rewarding dry nights with praise or small treats can motivate and boost confidence.

8. Limit Caffeine and Sugary Drinks

These can increase urine production, so it's best to avoid them, especially in the evening.

9. Warm Baths

A relaxing warm bath before bedtime can help calm nerves and may reduce the risk of bedwetting.

10. Talk to a Doctor

If bedwetting persists, it is a good idea to consult a doctor. They can rule out any underlying health issues and offer additional guidance.

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What is a good home remedy for bedwetting?

Read more about bedwetting treatment in Ayurveda,

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is not just a spice for flavoring your food; it has some surprising benefits for managing bed-wetting in kids.

How to prepare: 

  • Besides its known immune-boosting and cold-fighting properties, chewing on a cinnamon stick once a day or even consuming powdered cinnamon can help reduce bed-wetting tendencies. It is a simple yet effective remedy.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil, known for promoting brain development and overall health in children, can also help with bed-wetting.

How to prepare: 

  • A gentle massage of warm olive oil on the lower abdominal area before bedtime can work wonders. 
  • Consistent application can lead to positive results in about two weeks.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar, a versatile household ingredient, has an unexpected benefit it can help tackle bed-wetting.

How to prepare: 

  • Including a small amount of ACV in your child's diet can boost their immunity, reduce the risk of stomach or urinary infections, and regulate stomach acid levels, decreasing the urge to urinate frequently.

4. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla, rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, offers numerous health benefits for both children and adults. It not only fortifies your child's immune system but also aids in digestion and prevents constipation. By reducing the risk of urinary and intestinal infections, amla can be quite effective in managing nighttime urination issues.

How to prepare: 

  • You can make an herbal concoction by mixing 1 tsp. of amla powder in warm water with a pinch of black pepper to gradually curb bed-wetting tendencies.

5. Jaggery

Research suggests that keeping a child's body warm can help prevent bed-wetting during sleep. Jaggery, a healthier alternative to regular sugar, is not only rich in iron but also excellent for the stomach. When incorporated into your child's diet, jaggery can help maintain body warmth and reduce the likelihood of bed-wetting.

How to prepare: 

  • Simply mix a spoonful of jaggery with warm milk and have your child consume it to gradually address bed-wetting issues.

Read: Home Remedies for Vitamin B Complex Deficiency

Causes of bedwetting

Read more what is the major cause of bedwetting,

1. A Small Bladder: Sometimes, a child's bladder is small, and it can't hold much urine through the night. So, it might empty while they sleep.

2. Heavy Sleeper: Some kids are deep sleepers, which means they do not wake up even if they need to pee.

3. Family History: If someone in the family used to wet the bed as a kid, it might run in the family.

4. Stress or Change: Big changes or stress like moving to a new home or starting school can make a child wet the bed.

5. Constipation: When a child is constipated, it can put pressure on the bladder and lead to bedwetting.

6. Infections: Sometimes, bladder or urinary tract infections can cause bedwetting.

7. Drinking before Bed: If a child drinks a lot right before bedtime, it can fill up the bladder and cause bedwetting.

8. Medicines: Some medicines can affect how the bladder works and lead to bedwetting. This is the main cause of bedwetting in adults

9. Delayed Development: In some cases, a child's bladder and brain are not fully coordinated yet, causing bedwetting.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What age is bedwetting a problem?

Ans: Bedwetting is considered normal until around the age of 5. If it continues past this age and becomes a concern for the child or family, it may be worth discussing with a doctor.

2. Is bedwetting a serious problem?

Ans: Bedwetting is usually not a serious problem and often resolves on its own as children grow. But, if it persists beyond a certain age or causes emotional distress, it is a good idea to consult a doctor for guidance and potential underlying causes.

3. Is bedwetting normal for a 14 year old?

Ans: While bedwetting is less common in teenagers, it can still happen, and it is not necessarily abnormal.

4. What herbal medicine is good for bedwetting?

Ans: Certain herbal remedies like chamomile, valerian root, or horsetail have been suggested as potential aids for bedwetting. Their effectiveness varies from person to person, and it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using herbal medicine, especially for children, to ensure safety and suitability.

Final Note

Dealing with bedwetting might seem tough, but these easy, natural remedies can make a big difference. Remember, it is a common thing, and many people grow out of it.

Be patient, stay positive, and do not hesitate to seek professional advice if needed. With time and these home remedies for bedwetting simple steps, dry nights can become the norm, and you will be able to rest easy.

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