Benefits of Black Rice: Nutritional Advantages and Health Benefits

It is extremely vital to learn about the various benefits of black rice. Back in the day, in ancient China, black rice was known to be extremely nutritious & unique in taste and was consumed only by the royal families. Nowadays, black rice can be found in multiple numbers of cuisines around the world.

Otherwise known as ‘Purple or Forbidden Rice’, Black Rice can be defined as a type of rice that belongs to the family of “Oryza sativa L”. It should be realized that black rice mainly gets its signature black-purple color from a certain pigment known as anthocyanin, which is said to have potent antioxidant properties.

benefits of black rice

Benefits of Black Rice


Black rice contains anthocyanins, which help in the improvement of the learning and memorizing capability of the brain. Eating black rice also protects brain cells from destruction & damage.


Talking about black rice benefits, it can be described as a natural detoxifier, which helps in removing various disease-causing toxins from the human body. It also helps in the detoxification of the human liver.

Better Digestion

It’s a good source of dietary fiber, helping in the regulation of bowel movements. As a result, you’ll experience less bloating and constipation helps to solve your digestion issues.


When you intake a high-fat diet continuously, it will lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver illness. However, taking black rice reduces any storage of liver fat, thereby helping to restore its normal function.


When talking about the benefits of black rice, it should be known that black rice helps in cancer therapy. It prevents the multiplication & growth of cancer cells, preventing the spread of cancer to other organs of the body.

Weight Reduction

Black rice helps in treating obesity and other types of metabolic disorders related to it. It has a high fiber content that helps to keep your tummy full for a long time, leading to less appetite and thus weight reduction.

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Good Arteries

Eating black rice prevents the formation of artery blockages in the heart, keeping the heart healthy and well-functioning. It allows for a smooth flow of blood and prevents strokes and heart attacks.

Lowers Fat

When you eat black rice, you can be sure it reduces the cholesterol content in your blood and body. As a result, your body will have lower chances of fighting obesity.

No Diabetes

Talking about the benefits of black rice, you must remember that taking black rice enhances the activity of glucose transporters, which move glucose from the bloodstream into muscles & cells, preventing the onset of diabetes.

How to Cook Black Rice?

black rice recipe

Cooking black rice is just like cooking any other rice type. To prepare, just follow the black rice recipe steps,

  • Put adequate rice and water in a saucepan and heat it over medium to high stove flame (1 cup of rice for 2-1/4 cups of water). 
  • Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat and let it simmer. 
  • Cook for at least 35 minutes or until all the water gets absorbed.
  • Just remove the pan and wait, sit for 5 minutes. 
  • To fluff the rice before serving, use a fork.
  • Serve it with any type of recipe or dish.

Antioxidant Richness and High Protein Content

Even though black rice is not as common as other forms of rice, it’s still the best rice on planet earth in terms of the overall antioxidant content. Moreover, it also contains more protein than brown rice. 
Thus, there’s no way you should ignore the benefits of black rice because it offers several health benefits as have been mentioned above. You can obtain black rice either online or offline through your local shops.

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