What Really Makes the Hair Grow: The Simple Science

Have you ever wondered what really makes the hair grow? Though many of us take it for granted, our bodies go through an interesting process when it comes to growing hair.

We will explore the basic science underlying hair development in the next section. This simple information will help you figure out this amazing process no fancy stuff.

what really makes the hair grow

Hair Anatomy

Take steps to begin with a fundamental understanding of hair anatomy before getting into the growing process. The hair follicle and the hair shaft are the two basic components that make hair.

Hair Follicle: The little area in your skin where hair growth starts is called a hair follicle. It has a number of structures, like the papilla and hair bulb, that are essential to hair growth.

Hair Shaft: The portion of hair that is visible above the skin's surface is called the hair shaft. Keratin is the protein that makes it up.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair grows in cycles, having distinct phases, rather than constantly. This cycle has three primary phases,

Anagen (Growth Phase)

  • This is the stage of hair growth that is active. 
  • Rapid hair cell division forces older hair to stand up and separate from the follicle. 
  • The Anagen phase can continue anywhere from 2 to 7 years, though it varies from person to person.

Catagen (Transitional Phase)

  • At this point, the hair follicle starts to shrink and hair development slows down. 
  • It lasts for two to three weeks.

Telogen (Resting Phase)

  • The last stage is known as the resting phase, during which time the hair that already exists stays in the follicle and new hair starts to grow underneath it. 
  • This stage may extend for roughly three months.

Read: Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Hair Loss? Understanding the Connection

What Really Makes the Hair Grow?

The key to hair growth lies in the hair follicles. Here is a simplified explanation of how hair grows,

1. Hair Growth Starts in the Follicle

The hair follicle is where new hair growth starts. The cells that make up the hair shaft divide and increase in the hair bulb, which is situated at the base of the follicle.

2. Blood Supply

The papilla of the hair follicle is connected to a network of blood vessels that provide vital nutrients and oxygen necessary for hair growth.

3. Hormones

Hormones like estrogen and testosterone are involved in controlling the growth of hair. Hormone fluctuations can impact the length of each stage of hair growth.

4. Genetics

Your hair growth patterns, including hair thickness, color, and the likelihood of hair loss, are mostly determined by your genes.

5. Nutrition

Healthy hair growth can be promoted by eating a balanced diet high in vitamins and minerals including iron, vitamin D, and biotin.

How to Promote Hair Growth and Thickness?

Here are some easy suggestions to help you maintain healthy hair or improve hair development.

1. Choose hair-healthy nutrients, and minerals and eat a balanced diet.

2. Avoid excessive harsh hair treatments and heat styling.

3. Check your hair type and according to this, use a mild shampoo as well as conditioner.

4. Adapt the best scalp hygiene to keep hair follicles clean.

5. As chronic stress makes the biggest impact on hair growth you should manage stress. Do you know how to take care of South Asian hair?

Holistic Benefits of Hair Care

Understanding the basics of what really makes the hair grow is the first step in caring for your hair. It is an amazing process that incorporates hormones, genetics, healthy nutrition, blood vessels, and hair follicles.

You can maintain your gorgeous locks and encourage healthy hair growth by following to the suggested easy tips. Recall that taking proper care of your hair promotes general well-being in addition to appearance.

Read: Heat Styling Safety - Protecting Your Hair from Damage

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